Water Cooler Chat With A Conscience

Sunday, August 19, 2007

I Rage

It's a crazy world we live in
Suicide bomber pilots and AIDS
Africa perishing
New York once flourishing
My eyes glaze over
And not understanding God's logic behind tragedy

See folks, I'm not an angry person
Not by any means
Ask anyone I know
But in taking off my glasses
I am pissed the hell off
Because my mind, my limits, my vision
Is being forced to grow
expand, stretch, accept realities against my will
Is it fair that an entire continent of people
That looks JUST LIKE ME
Is wasting away from maybe ten minutes of ecstasy
That in the end will kill?

And that death escaped prevention
Lack of use of man's invention
How's that saying go?
"No glove, no love"
How come no one told Africa?
When push came to shove
Did we think they would naturally rise above?
Lack of education
Paved the way
To moral/mortal damnation
AIDS swiftly wiping out verification
That our brothers and sisters were ever there

I ask my God why,and how this could be
Our people, his people
Could suffer so much
"Negroes for sale!"
End of slavery, then
"Back of the bus!"
Malcolm X
In only one box place a check
...And in 2001 AIDS stands on Africa's neck...

It's a crazy world we live in
Suicide bomber pilots and AIDS
Africa perishing
New York once flourishing
My eyes glaze over
And not understanding God's logic behind tragedy

*note from that one girl
obviously this was written back in '01...but here we are 6 years later and the situation has only gotten worse...if you would like to help in the fight against the spread of AIDS, please go to www.theglobalfight.org - something's got to give

paz y bendiciones

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